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Our services

We offer nothing short of excellence and professionalism across a range of services encompassing strategic planning , state craft, policy making, and outreach in furtherance of the overarching goal of promoting national and regional defence.

Policy formulation 

Our policy dossiers cater to the needs of governments, defence, and security sectors and the diplomatic community. In drafting policies for our clients, we narrow in and pinpoint cultural identity in order to provide a viable road map that would be conducive to securing a stable and orderly society.

Community Outreach

Sirius International strongly believes that the youth are the future of tomorrow; consequently, we create innovative programs to induce informed, constructive civil engagement as well as to encourage critical thinking.  We actively partner with schools and non-governmental organizations in a supporting role to fill in gaps in these existing institutions. 

Strategic Planning

The strategic planning portfolios are customized to transport a client from a defined point to a fixed goal employing values that serve as a bedrock for stability and cohesion, thus ensuring the fulfillment of stakeholder needs. On this basis, effective self-rule and strong dynamic institutions will be established. 

Leadership Training

We seek to groom and inspire a new generation of young leaders and to stress the responsibilities attached to being an educated citizen at the national and regional levels. Students will be taught the rudiments of conflict management and the salience of history and current affairs for harnessing cooperation in plural societies. 

Strategic Analysis

Using our expertise, we assess how power is exercised in critical spaces and craft plans that positively impact on the wider society through the employment of vital assets and resources. More so, we monitor the behavior of state and non-state actors to devise the most appropriate proactive measures to bring about optimum results.



As a pivotal component of our outreach initiative, workshops are designed to challenge young people's thinking as much as they are meant to raise awareness about trends, the status quo and future prospects. They are meant to be educational and in that vein, promote literacy competence. Our future goals involve providing writing seminars, to hosting reading clubs as after school and summer programs .

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      Sirius International 

      Caribbean Defence 

      Contractors Limited

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